Poerani Moorea

How to get to Poerani Moorea?

Moorea Island is 7 minutes from Tahiti by air and 30 minutes by ferry:

We can organize your transfers between Poerani Moorea and Moorea’s airport or ferry station: just ask us by email. Price: 2,000 pacific francs (€16.76) per person per way. If so, thank you to let us know at least 1 week before your stay:

  • if you arrive in Moorea by plane: your time and Air Tahiti flight number
  • if you arrive by ferry: the schedule and the company (Aremiti or Terevau) of your ferry.

Do you plan to come on your own (taxi, bus or rental car)? We are located at Maharepa, PK (Kilometer) 4.5. Arriving from the ferry terminal or aerodrome, Poerani Moorea is about 200 meters after the restaurant “The Mahogany”, by the sea. There is a sign “Poerani” and a bell at the gate.
You have your own boat? You can easily anchor just in front of Poerani Moorea where a mooring can be made available.

Some advice before departure

To prepare your trip to French Polynesia, here’s some useful information:
– As in any tropical region, mosquitoes are present in French Polynesia, especially during the rainy season. It is easy to protect yourself with a mosquito repellent that you will find in pharmacy or in the shops of the island.
– Protect yourself from the sun with a high-index sunscreen (even in gray weather).
– Geckos (small lizards) are very common in Polynesian dwellings. Perfectly harmless, they are very useful against insects.
– The « cent-pieds », a centipede with a very painful sting, is found chiefly in moist places.
– In the lagoon, it is advisable to wear aquatic shoes to protect yourself from corals and a possible (but rare) encounter with a venomous stone fish.
– The electrical standards are different from those of the US in particular. Think of bringing an AC adapter.